Home News Michael Cole Blogs About WWE Payback, Losing Weight & More

Michael Cole Blogs About WWE Payback, Losing Weight & More


WWE announcer Michael Cole has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at LayfieldReport.com. Here are some highlights of what Cole said about:

Traveling to Bermuda: A little more than 3 weeks away from the visit to bermuda for my wife and I. We are hoping to meet some of these young men from the rugby program. John and I are gearing up for the WORLD CUP MARLIN FISHING CHAMPIONSHIP on July 4th. Organizers claim registration is at its highest ever! This one day, worldwide event, will feature boats fishing in marlin hotspots around the globe. Lines go in the water at 8:30am in whatever time zone your are in and must be out by 4:30pm. Our team will be aboard the Paradise One, with the same crew that led john to a second place finish last year!

Losing Weight: Our weight loss challenge has three weeks remaining! I have one pound to lose and John has nine to shed. I have dropped 19 pounds to 205. But I don’t plan on stopping. I need to be in peak shape for our climb in 9 weeks of Middle Palisades Mountain in California. Where as John has climbed top peaks before, Frenchy (our audio guy for our radio show and WWE events) and I have never traversed a 14?er! (14,050 feet to be exact). I hope to lose another 20 pounds before the climb, but success will all be determined on how we handle the altitude and how our body responds to the thin air (it’s hard to train for altitude at sea level in McAllen). If we conquer this peak, more are definitely in our future (or my wife will be upset if all the gear I just bought joins all my other stuff in my “hobby” or “phase” room).

WWE Payback: I am getting excited for our brand new Pay per View known as “Payback” in the great wresting town of Chicago on Sunday Night June 16th. The All State Arena is one of the best venues we play. The WWE Championship match of John Cena versus Ryback in a 3 stages of Hell match will be intriguing, especially the way Ryback is coming around as a performer. My personal favorite however will be Chris Jericho versus CM Punk and I expect it to be the match of the night. Two of the all-time greats with such an awesome story to tell. Punk returning to the ring in his hometown for his first match since the incredible bout with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Jericho with a score to settle with Punk after last year’s great rivalry. This is going to be so great and I have the absolute honor and privilege to sit at ringside and call all the action. It is the opportunity to call bouts like these that we bust our rear ends all year!

* Exclusive VIDEO: The WYATT FAMILY Appears At Saturday’s WWE Live Event!