Home News Michael Hayes Says Carmella Has Stolen “Everything I Ever Did,” The Miz Knocks His Elimination Chamber Competition

Michael Hayes Says Carmella Has Stolen “Everything I Ever Did,” The Miz Knocks His Elimination Chamber Competition

Michael Hayes Says Carmella Has Stolen “Everything I Ever Did,” The Miz Knocks His Elimination Chamber Competition

– “Ms. Money In The Bank” Carmella recently answered a question from a fan on Twitter asking her where she got the idea for her moonwalk entrance. Michael Hayes jumped in and claimed that Carmella has stolen “everything I ever did”:

– WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is one of seven men that will be involved in this weekend’s Elimination Chamber match. He took to Twitter and listed out each of his adversaries’ gimmicks, claiming to be the only ‘real’ thing involved in the match:
