Home News Foley Explains Why Austin Isn’t Hosting Shane Podcast, Bobby Heenan Hospitalized

Foley Explains Why Austin Isn’t Hosting Shane Podcast, Bobby Heenan Hospitalized

Foley Explains Why Austin Isn’t Hosting Shane Podcast, Bobby Heenan Hospitalized

– WWE referee Scott Armstrong is celebrating his 57th birthday today. He was born May 4, 1959.

– A new episode of “Table For 3” premieres tonight on the WWE Network featuring Hall of Famers Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat and Hillbilly Jim.

– On Tuesday, WWE announced that a Shane McMahon “tell all podcast” will air later this month (5/23) on the WWE Network. Mick Foley will host the special, a decision many fans questioned on social media.

Foley responded to the buzz, noting that the WWE Network’s resident podcast host, Steve Austin, was unavailable for the gig due to a previous commitment.


– “Mean” Gene Okerlund noted that his longtime broadcast colleague Bobby Heenan is currently hospitalized after taking a fall earlier today. Keep “The Brain” in your thoughts.

Update: Heenan’s wife Cynthia has provided an update, noting that he’ll remain hospitalized for the next 3 days while doctors monitor his low blood pressure. Use the hashtag #GetWellBobby on Twitter to show your support.
