Home News Mick Foley On Whether He’d Wrestle Again & Why His Feud With Dean Ambrose Ended

Mick Foley On Whether He’d Wrestle Again & Why His Feud With Dean Ambrose Ended


Future WWE Hall of Fame inductee Mick Foley held a comedy show in Adelaide, Australia over the weekend and spoke to the audience about a few wrestling-related items, including whether we’ll ever see him in the ring again and why his off-air feud with Dean Ambrose ended somewhat abruptly.

After feuding with Dean Ambrose on Twitter last year (and having a face-to-face confrontation with him during WrestleMania 28 weekend), Foley there were plans for them to wrestle at SummerSlam. Foley said he pitched the idea for him to wrestle Ambrose as Mankind, with a fake “Dude Love” coming out and attacking Ambrose during his entrance while Mankind would come through the ring, a gimmick he cleared with the Undertaker.

The plans had to be dropped after he got a diagnosis from his neurologist saying he should not be in the ring.

During their social media war last year, Foley said he felt Ambrose went too far by making personal remarks about his family. When Foley told him to lay off his family, Dean kept bringing up his wife and kids, thinking that Foley’s request to stop was part of Foley “working” the angle.

View Here: VIDEO Of Ambrose Confronting Foley During WM28 Weekend