Mike Adamle Talks About His Brain Damage, Rob Zombie Tweets

– Rob Zombie, tonight’s RAW Guest Host, wrote on Twitter.com/RWZOMBIE that he’s “planning some big crazy sh*t for RAW.”

– The Chicago Sun Times has an article up about former WWE personality Mike Adamle, who talks about the brain damage he suffered while playing football earlier in his career.

‘I was on the air in 1999 when I had my first seizure. ‘One part of my brain was speaking, the other part was having a tidal wave,” Adamle said. ”There was deja vu. All kinds of flashing, loud ringing in my ears. Dizziness. My short-term memory was gone. There were tears in my eyes, thoughts of being a kid, thoughts of my grandfather. I was in the hospital for three days.”

Adamle said he has epilepsy from lesions on the left hemisphere of my brain and still has seizures. Adamle got a lot of criticism for his on-air gaffes during his time as a WWE announcer – and now we can see he’s been battling serious medical issues for years that explain his mistakes.


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