Former WWE Superstar MVP, who is currently wrestling over in Japan, has been posting updates on Twitter regarding the massive earthquake that hit the country last night and has already claimed hundreds of lives.
Here are just some of the tweets from MVP during the aftermath of the quake:
The305MVP It’s 10pm here in Tokyo. 8 am on the east coast. I’m having a beer on the 43rd floor of the Tokyo Dome hotel. |
The305MVP I’m literally on top of the WORLD right now. (Cue Joe Walsh “Life’s Been Good”) |
The305MVP I just experienced my 1st Japanese EARTHQUAKE!!! WOW!!! Aftershocks are pretty strong. I LOVE IT HERE! #Kokujin Gojira |
The305MVP “@GiantBernard: I’m shaking. LOL.” “This is Awesome! Clap clap clapclapclap” lol. Aw hell we ain’t dead |
The305MVP When these Japanese people went running & screamin I thought they were afraid of ME! Kokujin Gojira! |
The305MVP @angiebabynz Angie my heart goes out to all of those in Christchurch NZ who are victims of the quakes there! No more joking. This is serious |
The305MVP So I heard Sendai, where I debuted for NJPW was the epicenter. 7.9 is no laughing matter. I hope there were no fatalities! Positive vibez! |
The305MVP “@IAmTakachi: @The305MVP Are you OK?” I’m ok 4 now. Thank you 4 checking on me! Apparently Tokyo hasn’t felt anything like this in YEARS!!! |
The305MVP @BarackMcBush We all gotta go eventually. If I go today I checked some personally important stuff off of my bucket list! I’m good baby! |
The305MVP @Robverbs News reporter said nuclear plant “should” be safe. They think … |
The305MVP On the 19th floor Tokyo Dome hotel. It’s swaying noticeably atm but just another way less severe after shock. Stand Still traffic outside! |
The305MVP Reporter just put current death toll at 44. I’m sure there will be many more to come. RIP |
The305MVP NHK (news) showing local damage. Serious infrastructure damage. Roads SPLIT & DROPPED several feet in some places. Another after shock now. |
The305MVP @KyraCNN Phone lines are down & cell lines are congested. BBM & twitter are my only means of communication. Good luck catching a fone convo! |
The305MVP AIRPORT?! Call me crazy but I’m not going home until they SEND me home. It’ll take more than a disaster 2 derail my dreams! I LOVE JAPAN! |
The305MVP The Japanese are a very strong people. They will mourn & grieve & then bounce back ! I will entertain them as long as they’ll have me! #NJPW |
The305MVP “@TheRealXPac: @The305MVP man, I was watching that live and all I could think is if u r ok. Come home safe my friend”. I’ll do my BEST! |
The305MVP Another after shock. The hotel is swaying pretty good! Some people pay good money for a thrilling ride like this. SCARY ! Humor > Fear |
The305MVP Ok now I’m just getting pissed off. Everytime I’m JUST about to fall a sleep ANOTHER aftershock rocks the hotel just enuff to wake me! |
The305MVP 1 time for all the New Zealanders & Chilenos who know this drill. And enuff with the fake sensitivity! It’s ok to use humor to get u thru! |
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