-Zeb Colter continues to hype his new alliance with Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger on Twitter. Colter’s latest tweet read, “WARNING: WE ARE COMING. WE PLAY BY A DIFFERENT RULEBOOK AND THERE ARE NO COPIES. #wethepeople @AntonioCesaro @RealJackSwagger”
-WWE Superstar Ezekiel Jackson, who remains out with injuries, has launched a new foundation under his real name, “The Rycklon Stephens Foundation.” The following is a blurb from their official Facebook page: “The Rycklon Stephens Foundation Inc. is developed to motivate individuals to S.Y.S.B (Set Your Sights Beyond) everyday normalcy. The purpose of this Non Profit foundation is to work with and motivate individuals to Set Your Sights Beyond everyday normalcy.”
-While doing his scheduled physical therapy this weekend following a minor surgical procedure performed by Dr. James Andrews, WWE Superstar Rey Mysterio noted that he is looking to get back into the ring for WWE in time for SummerSlam.