Home News Neville Talks “Mighty Mouse” Character Rumors, His Red Arrow Finisher, MITB & More

Neville Talks “Mighty Mouse” Character Rumors, His Red Arrow Finisher, MITB & More


WWE Money In The Bank 2015 ladder match participant Neville recently spoke with the PodNasty Wrestling podcast. Below are some highlights from the interview.

On who he’d like to have long-term feuds with: “I’d love to, at some point, mix it up with Cesaro. Cesaro’s a guy I’ve wrestled a few times in NXT and a guy who I’ve known for a long time. I feel like we certainly bring out the best in each other.

“Daniel Bryan is a guy I’d like to mix it up with at some point, Tyson Kidd Kevin Owens–you know we have a lot of history in NXT–and he’s another guy I’ve known for a long time so there’s so many different options.”

On why he named his finisher the Red Arrow: “The Red Arrows are the acrobatic division of the Royal Air Force in England,” said Neville

“I remember as a kid we would go and watch the Red Arrows–and I thought it was similar to British wrestlers and the fact that the acrobatic division–I thought it was one of those cool little nods to my background.”

On who will win in the John Cena-Kevin Owens rematch tonight: “It’s certainly a very exciting time for Kevin, coming up representing NXT, and John representing Raw and SmackDown, so it’s hard to choose. I think if I had to choose I’d go with John this time because I know Kevin got one over on him last time.”

On Mighty Mouse gimmick rumors: “There’s no truth in [The Mighty Mouse rumors] actually,” said Neville.

“I guess I was just more surprised than anything. Sometimes you get the wildest things just pop up and that was one of those things behind it that it was funny at the time I guess.”

On how he came up with the Red Arrow finisher: “I’ve been doing the backflip, or the corkscrew moonsault, so I guess I had an idea of doing a full one with the shooting star press so it kind of came from building block by block.

“I knew that was something that nobody else did so I wanted to kind of put my trademark on it and try to make it my own.”