NXT News: First Elimination, Updated Win/Loss Records

– SmackDown star Dolph Ziggler won a Pros Battle Royal on Tuesday night’s WWE NXT which allowed him to switch out his Rookie. Ziggler dropped Jacob Novak, who was later eliminated, and selected up Byron Saxton as his new Rookie. Chris Masters, who had Byron Saxton, was given Jacob Novak.

– Coming out of this week’s WWE NXT, Rookie Derrick Bateman still has a win-loss record of 0-3 while Conor O’Brian still leads the pack with a record of 2-0. Jacob Novak was eliminated with a record of 1-2.

Here’s the updated win-loss records for this season:

  • Conor O’Brian: 2-0
  • Byron Saxton: 3-1
  • Brodus Clay: 2-1
  • Johnny Curtis: 1-3
  • Derrick Bateman: 0-3
  • Jacob Novak (eliminated): 1-2


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