NXT UK Pre-Show Rehearsal Accidentally Published On WWE YouTube Channel

NXT UK rehearsal

WWE accidentally posted an NXT UK pre-show rehearsal live to their YouTube channel on Saturday. The video was set to unlisted rather than private and somehow ended up being broadcast live. The video featured 8-hours of rehearsals.

Vice was the first publication to report on the news. They posted the following videos which feature part of the rehearsals shown on the video:

How Did This Video Get Out?

If the video was set to unlisted, it should have been impossible to find without a link. According to Vice, the video somehow ended up in someone’s autoplay even though that technically should not happen with an unlisted video. It’s not really clear how the video ended up being seen.

“Motherboard’s emails to the public relations departments of YouTube and Roku looking for a technical answer have not been returned,” Vice’s report reads. “WWE, meanwhile, made the NXT UK feed private approximately two hours after Motherboard asked about the video.”

The NXT UK brand recently taped several episodes on November 15th and 16th.


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