Home News Old Triple H Story About Trump Believing Vince Limo Explosion Angle Goes Viral

Old Triple H Story About Trump Believing Vince Limo Explosion Angle Goes Viral

Old Triple H Story About Trump Believing Vince Limo Explosion Angle Goes Viral

Back in 2008, while in New York doing promotional work for WrestleMania 24 the following weekend in Orlando, Triple H walked into the Sirius XM studios for an appearance on the Opie and Anthony morning show. Sam Roberts, known now as a wrestling podcaster and sort of replacement for the aforementioned Opie (and that’s way too low a story to get into here), jokingly asked Triple H how worried he was when Vince McMahon was “blown up” in an angle less than a year earlier. This was Triple H’s answer, which got a lot more interesting when people rediscovered it this week:

What kills me is, so many people called – I mean the office the next day… I’m not kidding you. Like, and they’ll probably get mad a me for saying it, but like Trump called and is like, “did something happen to Vince?”

Maybe he’s joking. Even if he’s not, it’s possible that Donald Trump only heard vague word of mouth that was confusing in light of how WWE handled the angle, keeping Vince out of public view and flying the company flag at half mast on the roof of Titan Tower. But the possibility that he had seen the angle (which was very obviously an angle, even if a noticeable minority of fans didn’t get it) and thought it was real becomes tantalizing with him about to become President of the United States.

As a result, the video has posted everywhere today, characterized as the latest in unearthed Trump gems. Whether or not it really is Trump buying into it, just a misunderstood joke, or somewhere in between is up to you.

We’ve reached out to WWE to see if they would like to clarify Triple H’s statement, especially now that he’s a company executive in his secret identity of Paul Levesque