Home News WWE *Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Tapings Results For Friday

*Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Tapings Results For Friday


WWE taped Friday’s episode of SmackDown from Houston, Texas. Here are spoiler results:

* Randy Orton comes out with his Money in the Bank briefcase and starts cutting a promo. Damien Sandow’s music hits and he comes out with his own briefcase. This leads to a match being made between the two.

* Randy Orton defeated Damien Sandow. Cody Rhodes was at ringside for the match. Rhodes grabbed Sandow’s briefcase, which distracted Sandow and allowed Randy to hit the RKO for the win.

* CM Punk comes out and talks about his upcoming match against Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. Fandango, with Summer Rae, interrupts him and gets in Punk’s face. Punk gives him a GTS.
* Mark Henry and The Usos beat Darren Young, Titus O’Neil and Wade Barrett.

* AJ Lee is shown walking backstage.

* Still to come, Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio.

* Backstage, Vickie Guerrero is with Alberto Del Rio. Rob Van Dam walks in and wants a title shot. Del Rio says he needs to earn first.

* Backstage, Damien Sandow looks for his briefcase.

* Alberto Del Rio defeated Rob Van Dam when RVD was distracted by arguing with the referee.

* Sandow runs into Mark Henry and Booker T backstage.

* AJ Lee and Big E Langston come to the ring and call out Dolph Ziggler out. AJ runs down Ziggler. Kaitlyn comes out and spears AJ while Ziggler takes out Big E.

* Christian defeats Jack Swagger with the Killswitch.

* Sandow offers a reward for the return of his briefcase. Cody Rhodes appears on the big screen and taunts Sandow with the briefcase.

* CM Punk defeated Fandango.