Otis On The Origins Of The Caterpillar, His Conversation With Scotty 2 Hotty

WWE SmackDown Superstar Otis has explained the origins of his popular move, The Caterpillar. He divulged how he first started using the movie during an interview with Digital Spy. During their conversation, Otis also opened up about a conversation he had with Scotty 2 Hotty, who was known for his move The Worm.

Otis revealed that the first time he ever tried doing the Caterpillar was during a dance party at Elementary School. According to him, no girls would dance with him so he decided to “get the crowd over with my moves.” 

“I started shaking my hips and getting going and I waited till everybody was watching – you know, it was a big circle dance, everybody’s looking in there and checking you out. And that’s when I dropped. Bam! It’s a little bit stiffer on the floor than in the ring. And I got love from doing that move, so I just kept doing it. So now every wedding I get sore ribs the day after.”

Otis On Talking With Scotty 2 Hotty

Considering that his move has similarities to the Worm, Otis shared how he revealed he could do the Caterpillar after being coached at the WWE Performance Center by Scotty 2 Hotty. 

Otis stated how he told Scotty how much the move meant to him. He added how he acknowledged that Scotty was the “king of The Worm” but was adamant that he continued using the move, eventually popularizing it as the Caterpillar. 

Posted May 6th, 2020 in WWE, News. Tagged: .

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