Home News Paul Bearer’s Family Signs Off On CM Punk Urn Storyline

Paul Bearer’s Family Signs Off On CM Punk Urn Storyline


In recent weeks, we’ve seen deceased WWE manager Paul Bearer’s urn incorporated into storylines and used in CM Punk’s WrestleMania 29 feud with The Undertaker.

CM Punk has been pushing the envelope with the the memory of Paul Bearer, interrupting The Undertaker’s tribute to him, implying that the urn contains Paul Bearer’s ashes, impersonating Paul Bearer’s voice and even dropping the urn on the floor while tossing it around.

According to TMZ.com, everything we’ve seen in recent weeks since Paul Bearer’s passing has been approved by his family. WWE’s creative team approached Paul’s family immediately after his passing and asked for permission to incorporate Bearer into the Punk-Taker storyline.

Paul Bearer’s son Michael told TMZ.com that the family had no problem signing off on the idea, because they know he’d appreciate being part of a storyline from the afterlife:

“We felt that dad would have wanted us at RAW last week and agreed to the angle … We knew Dad wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.”