Paul Heyman Believes Bloodline Story Ranks Above nWo, McMahon vs. Austin

Paul Heyman believes The Bloodline saga is the best story ever told in wrestling history.

The wrestling veteran recently spoke to Shakiel Mahjouri for a new interview. He talked about things such as companies having too many championships, his return to TV, CM Punk’s rise in WWE, and more.

Heyman who is known for his knowledge of wrestling history was also asked where he ranks the Bloodline saga among all the other great stories told in the business. The former ECW owner explained that he ranks it at the top because of how long it has been drawing money for WWE:

“Because of the longevity that this storyline has had I have to rank it number 1. I mean the money-drawing years of the Horsemen weren’t this long. The money-drawing years of the nWo wasn’t this long. The money-drawing years of Austin vs. McMahon wasn’t this long. Hogan vs. Savage, Hogan vs. Piper which put WrestleMania 1 on the map.

So just in terms of overall storytelling and the constant ebb and flow of affecting other people’s environment in the roster. How they tell their stories. I would suggest it’s the most significant, it’s the biggest money drawing, it has the most longevity, has held the most interest and overall it has done so by being the most intriguing and compelling.”

All False Humility Aide: Paul Heyman

Explaining what makes the tale so great, Heyman made similar comments to Triple H. He explained that in their story, a character’s evolution is not only inspired by the current circumstances but their past as well:

“Because at every turn you see the characters not just turn towards what the story calls for but the long-term effects of the development of these characters and the evolution of these characters is never lost on us. So if something happens that changes Roman Reigns in 2022, we don’t disavow knowledge of it in 2024. It plays into what’s happening in 2024. So because of that and because we keep it consistent, I would have to rank it number 1. All false humility aside.”

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