(Photo) Ric Flair’s Pro Wrestling Mount Rushmore, Linda McMahon Talks Building WWE From Scratch

– Two-time WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair took to Twitter to post a picture of what he believes is the Mount Rushmore of professional wrestling. Alongside himself, “The Nature Boy” listed “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, The Rock, and Hulk Hogan:

– Linda McMahon recently spoke to the New Haven Register for a piece on women entrepreneurs. McMahon discussed her family going bankrupt and how she needed to build WWE from the ground up:

“That was really a tough time, especially because I was pregnant with our second child,” McMahon said. “We lost our home; my car was repossessed in the driveway. We were knocked down, but we were not defeated. We got right back to work starting over, building our business from scratch.”

Posted October 15th, 2017 in WWE, News. Tagged: , .

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