Home News Planned WM26 Match, Hall Of Famer Knocks Linda McMahon

Planned WM26 Match, Hall Of Famer Knocks Linda McMahon


– The Undertaker vs. John Cena is one of the planned main-event’s for WrestleMania 26, according to F4WOnline.com. The groundwork for potential matchup was set on this past Monday’s RAW when Cena received a tombstone after the main-event match had ended.

– According to sources, WrestleMania 27 is looking to be held in Toronto at the Rogers Centre. WWE is still weighing other options including Miami, Indianapolis and Atlanta and an official decision should be made soon.

– During an interview with the Hartford Courant, WWE Hall of Famer “Superstar” Billy Graham hit out at Linda McMahon and her run for senate. “She may look like a Sunday school teacher,” Graham said. “Linda McMahon’s hands are as bloody as her husband’s because she is aware of every move in the ring.” Graham said WWE has changed their colors and deceived the public before Linda’s run for Senate. He cites the lack of blood, Divas posing for Playboy and the lack of bra and panties matches as examples.