Police Report Provides Details Of Liv Morgan’s Possession Arrest

Liv Morgan was arrested on the evening of December 14th. The arrest went down at 6:30 PM, and Liv Morgan found herself in a legal predicament, as she is now facing charges of possession of marijuana (not exceeding 20 grams), possession of drug equipment, and possession of potentially synthetic cannabinoids. New details are now available, thanks to a police report. 

Liv Morgan’s Arrest Report Revealed

PW Insider obtained the police report, and reported that the document noted the incident unfolded when a sheriff’s deputy observed Liv Morgan operating a yellow jeep, noting that it was crossing over the white and yellow lines of a County Road. Subsequently, Morgan was taken into custody, although she was released shortly thereafter. Presently, she awaits her court date scheduled for February 12th, 2024.

The defendant (Gionna Daddio) Committed the offenses of possession of a controlled substance (THC oil ) a vape pen, pursuant to F.S.S 893.13.6a and F.S.S. 893.13.6b- Possession of Marijuana 20 grams or less, by unlawfully and willfully having in her possession a green leafy substance that field tested positive for marijuana within Sumter County to wit:

On 12/14/2023, at approximately 6:26 pm, Sgt. Otero observed a yellow jeep bearing Florida Tag [DELETED BY PWINSIDER] Traveling West on CR 476 Bushnell, Florida, within Sumter County.

The vehicle could not remain in the lane it was traveling. Sgt. Otero observed the vehicle to cross over the yellow and white lines on the roadway several times. Sgt. Otero then conducted a stop on the vehicle to ensure the driver wasn’t having any health issues. Sgt. Otero explained as he approached the vehicle, he immediately smelled the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. I Deputy E. Hillman arrived on scene as Sgt Otero was speaking with the defendant.

Sgt. Otero asked the defendant to step out of the vehicle. The defendant was detained due to her stating there was marijuana in the vehicle and she did not hold a medical marijuana card. I then took over the investigation. Upon contact with the defendant, I did a pat down of her person and placed her in the back of my patrol car. A search was done of the vehicle, and in a pink fuzz bag located on the back seat within arms reach of the defendant, I located a small clear plastic bag containing a green leafy substance.

A continued search of the vehicle, I located a vape pen within the center console of the vehicle that contained an oil-like substance. I conducted a presumptive field test on the green leafy substance and the oil-like substance in the vape pen, which all yielded a positive result for marijuana. I read the defendant’s Miranda warning. Post-Miranda, the defendant stated the green leafy substance(marijuana) was hers, and all the items inside the vehicle were hers.

The defendant stated that she transports a lot of people in her vehicle, so she doesn’t know where the Vape pen came from. The defendant stated she smokes marijuana but does not vape.

The defendant stated that she does not have a medical marijuana card. Due to the vape pen and green leafy substance all testing positive for marijuana, the defendant was placed under arrest.

Liv Morgan After Her Possession Arrest

Despite the legal hiccup, reports suggest that Liv Morgan’s recent arrest is unlikely to alter WWE’s plans for her return. The company had already mapped out a return for her in 2024, and there’s no apparent deviation from that trajectory.

Although Liv Morgan has no heat on her within WWE, she will still have to deal with this felony situation. She did not have a medical marijuana card, which may have remedied this whole situation. 

Liv Morgan has a court date set for February 2024, but she is free right now, as she only spent a very short time behind bars before she was bonded out.

How WWE Feels About Marijuana Now

It’s important to mention that, while marijuana is part of the Wellness Policy, WWE hasn’t tested for it in several years. In the past, a positive result incurred a $2,500 fine. That “weed tax” is no longer something that Superstars really need to worry about anymore.

Liv Morgan’s arrest for marijuana has surprised many fans. With a felony charge looming for possession of marijuana, possession of drug equipment, and possession of drugs, potentially synthetic cannabinoids, she faces a possibly challenging legal situation. 

The hope is that Liv Morgan can resolve this matter when her court date arrives in February. As more information unfolds in this case, SE Scoops will provide updates as more information is made available. 

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