Possible Injury At The Royal Rumble, Rumble Tweets From Nash, MVP & Helms

– It appears that Darren Young may have been injured during the Royal Rumble match. After he was eliminated, referees threw up the “X” sign and he was helped to the back by WWE officials. We’ll have an update on this as soon as it becomes available.

– Kevin Nash, who was backstage at the Royal Rumble and took part in the WCW panel during the Royal Rumble fan fest, tweeted the following about the PPV:

“Really enjoyed the Rumble, guessed the outcomes.As I’m sure we all did.Great to be a part of the axcess.So great to visit with the Levesques”

– MVP and Hurricane Helms tweeted the following about the rumors that they would be surprise entrants in the Royal Rumble:

MVP: “It’s humbling & flattering that so many people have expressed a desire to see me back in a WWE ring. Not yet. But thank you. Sincerely!”

Helms: “Loved all the support from my “Twitizens” today. I’ll step in a @WWE ring again one day. Timing is everything.”


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