Home Editorials and Features Pros and Cons: The Hell in a Cell Double Main Event

Pros and Cons: The Hell in a Cell Double Main Event


The Seth Rollins/John Cena/Dean Ambrose hate triangle continued last night on Raw, with Dean Ambrose prevailing over John Cena to secure his spot in the main event at Hell in a Cell.

It was also announced that John Cena would square off against Randy Orton in the other half of the double main event. However, did the company make the right call by going with Ambrose over Cena? Here are the pros and cons of each main event, allowing for you to make the decision.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton


Pros: These guys have faced each other too many times to count, including a multi-month program earlier in the year, so the two veterans should have excellent chemistry together.

Adding the Hell in a Cell stipulation should also help spice up the contest, as fans grew tired during their last meeting at the Royal Rumble. In all, by having two Hell in a Cell contests, it should perfectly juxtapose the talent of yesterday (Cena and Orton) with the talent of tomorrow (Rollins and Ambrose).

Cons: As previously mentioned, fans practically booed Cena and Orton out of the building in January. It seems like this has the chance of being a filler main event, as there is essentially no build to the matchup and fans have already seen the two square off more times than they can remember. Additionally, a double main event that features two Hell in a Cell matches could be a bit overkill.