Home News Punk & Piper Disagree With WWE’s “Masters Of The Mic” Rankings

Punk & Piper Disagree With WWE’s “Masters Of The Mic” Rankings


WWE’s recent “Top 25 Masters Of The Mic” list continues to generate a lot of discussion online.

In his latest blog, Jim Ross spoke about the list and summed up his thoughts with, “The best talkers, without fail, on the list were all from the generation of instinctual speakers who would select the appropriate bullet points and take it from there.”

View Here: WWE’s “Top 25 Masters Of The Mic” List

One man who agrees with Jim Ross about the best interviews being ‘unscripted’ is WWE Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, who came in at #2 (behind Steve Austin). Piper tweeted the following message about his spot on the list and why he deserves to be ranked higher than John Cena, The rock and even Steve Austin:

“I don’t know if this is true. Told the WWE put out a book of greatest mic men. Told I was not no.1. Lost the last piece of respect & cred. LOL..Before this petty who is best goes to far, cause I love them all. Imagine if the WWE would let Rock, Austin,Piper, Cena do a Pit! Magic. Simple. All there interviews were scripted! There lay the difference! “#2. The book is full of Sh*t. And everyone, including all the boys know it!”

WWE Champion CM Punk, a longtime Roddy Piper fan, says it’s a joke that Steve Austin was ranked above Piper:

“that list is a joke because Piper isn’t number one. Typical WWE revisionist history/political favoritism.”