Home News Punk Responds To Jericho, Punk DVD Update, JR At FCW

Punk Responds To Jericho, Punk DVD Update, JR At FCW


– CM Punk has responded to Chris Jericho’s promo from RAW, which has been dubbed, the “CM Drunk” promo. Jericho got very personal with the WWE champion, revealing to the WWE Universe that the reason CM Punk lives a straight edge lifestyle is because his father was a drunk. Punk responded to the events that transpired on RAW with the following tweet on Monday night:

“I don’t want any sympathy. Save it for Chris. Shit just got next level.”

“I will hurt you. Everybody has skeletons in the family closet. Keep my father out of it.”

The WWE website noted on Monday night that they tried getting a word with Punk after RAW, but he had nothing to say.

UPDATE: Chris Jericho tweeted the following on Tuesday morning:

“Hmmmm @cmpunk did I strike a nerve? Told you I was the Best In The World….. #norulesinwar”

– Speaking of CM Punk, he recently spoke to Luis Gomez of ChicagoTribune.com regarding the production of his WWE DVD project. Punk told Gomez that the final day of filming will likely take place at April’s Extreme Rules pay-per-view, which takes place in his home town of Chicago:

“I think (WWE) wanted to do a ‘Road to Wrestlemania’ DVD. I was like ‘Who gives a s*** (about the road to Wrestlemania)?’ The pay per view after Wrestlemania is in Chicago. That was a no brainer to me – coming home. The last day of filming will probably be the pay per view. I’ll get my sisters in there and (Colt) Cabana.”

– WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross arrived in Tampa, Florida on Monday to evaluate the WWE developmental talents at FCW. JR will be in attendance for Thursday’s FCW TV tapings.