Home News Internal Push For Owen Hart To Be Inducted Into WWE Hall of Fame, Watch 3MB’s Entrance Video, Jimmy Hart

Internal Push For Owen Hart To Be Inducted Into WWE Hall of Fame, Watch 3MB’s Entrance Video, Jimmy Hart


– In an update on WWE’s plans for its Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on April 6, 2013 at Madison Square Garden, Mick Foley is internally considered a lock to be enshrined and there has been a push for Owen Hart to be honored since his star rose with his classic match against Bret Hart at the venue at WrestleMania X.

Despite the push for Owen, the enshrinement is unlikely to materialize because his widow will not allow it, according to brother Smith Hart.

“Because she blames the wrestling business in its entirety for his death,” he stated on Twitter in February. “She is the sole owner of his estate. With Martha, there will never B a way, perhaps his kids may eventually make the choice. But thats at least 20 yrs in future.”

Meanwhile, talk of Ultimate Warrior being inducted into the Hall “has cooled down substantially of late,” according to F4WOnline.com.

– WWE has released 3MB’s entrance video.

– According to WrestlingFigs.com, Jimmy Hart appears at Pro Wrestling World in the Merchants Square Mall 1901 S. 12th St. Allentown, Pennsylvania on December 2, 2012 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information, call 610-798-9900 or e-mail prowrestling1@aol.com.