Raw Ends Abruptly Due To Timing Issues (Video)

AJ Styles

It appears that this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw ended abruptly due to timing issues during the main event match between AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio.

These two were competing in the main event of the show with Mysterio’s US title being on the line. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows were in AJ’s corner

The US Champion took both Gallows and Anderson out during the bout and then after some back and forth, AJ got on the top rope only for Mysterio to stop him.

Styles then tried to reverse Rey’s hurricanrana into a Styles Clash but he apparently botched the move and landed badly. AJ finally hit the Styles Clash after both the stars were back on the matt.

Though before the Phenomenal One can go for the pin, Randy Orton slid into the ring out of nowhere. While Randy quickly got out as well, the distraction allowed Mysterio to win the match via a roll up.

The company apparently went short on time due to the botched Styles Clash as the ending credits for the show came on screen before the match was over. The feed for the show cut as soon as Mysterio pinned Styles and announcers were still talking when it happened.

Below you can check out a fan video of the abrupt finish to the show compared to WWE’s extended version on social media which shows the difference:


While not confirmed, reports suggest that WWE is planning a match between AJ Styles and Randy Orton for the TLC PPV and the latest events on Raw seem to be pointing towards the same.


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