Renee Paquette On Leaving WWE: ‘I Realized It Was Time To Go’
Renee Paquette recently joined Nikki and Brie Bella on an episode of The Bellas Podcast. During their conversation, Paquette opened up more about her decision to leave WWE. Paquette shared she “realized it was time to go” when she knew she couldn’t achieve her career goals while still a part of WWE.
“It’s good now. I think as soon as I came to terms, I realized it is time to go. I’ve done everything that I could possibly do here. I had a great run. It was awesome,” Paquette said. “But for the other things I wanted to do in my career, I didn’t really see it happening there. Just with everything the way it lined up with the Covid stuff happening, me getting sick, not that had to do anything with my decision, but it was just like everything was weird for a while.”
Paquette also highlighted WWE’s grueling pre-coronavirus pandemic travel schedule. She admitted how “there really wasn’t much left for me to go.”
Renee Paquette’s Post-WWE Life
A month after departing WWE, Renee Paquette would fall pregnant. She admitted it’s been a “weird adjustment” since leaving WWE as she’s so used to being on the go. The limitations imposed due to the coronavirus helped her transition, however.
“The weirdest part is being out of the loop with your friends. You miss seeing everybody. You miss the bulls**t in the back. That’s what I miss,” Paquette confessed. “I don’t necessarily miss the jobs I was doing, but I miss the people a lot. It’s so sad. I hope we are going to stay in touch but I know when you’re not there, it is hard to maintain that.”
She shared how there some people she has maintained contact with since leaving. However, it’s “just not the same” compared to killing time backstage and catching up at catering.
Paquette admitted she left WWE without anything lined up or knowing what she wanted to do next. However, she couldn’t ignore her gut instinct telling her, “it’s time now for you to go.”
She stressed how “everyone was cool about it” and that there are no bad feelings or ill will on either side. Her decision all came down to her desire to do different things and spread her wings away from her safety net.