Home News Renee Paquette Wasn’t Fan Of Undertaker Introducing Pitbull In Saudi Arabia

Renee Paquette Wasn’t Fan Of Undertaker Introducing Pitbull In Saudi Arabia

Renee Paquette Wasn’t Fan Of Undertaker Introducing Pitbull In Saudi Arabia
Renee Paquette

The Undertaker made a surprise appearance in Saudi Arabia ahead of Crown Jewel to introduce Pitbull during his concert. Renee Paquette was not amused with this act from the dead man. The former WWE star made an appearance on Busted Open Radio. She explained that it should have been someone else introducing the rap star:

“I just feel it should’ve been somebody else introducing him, I feel like seeing the Undertaker, in the big black hat, in full Undertaker gear, introducing ‘the 305, the Grammy Award Winning artist.’ Bringing on Pitbull that way, I feel it could’ve been somebody else.”

The female star said that she is not sure who was in the crew headed to Saudi Arabia for the WWE event. Though she suggested someone like the New Day would have been a better fit to introduce Pitbull on the show.

Renee Paquette Doesn’t Want To Be On Level Of Undertaker

Renee Paquette
Renee Paquette

Discussing why she doesn’t like The Undertaker making such appearances, Renee Paquette said that we have already lost some of the mystique surrounding his character with his multiple retirements. She then mentioned how some fans want to see the other side of the character, but she wants things to be protected:

“I do understand the social media side of things and having the documentaries and being able to see little glimpses into these superstar’s real lives and whatnot. I get the lure of that. But let’s protect things a little bit.

That’s what the business is about, right? Protecting these things, keeping these characters larger than life. I don’t want the Undertaker to be on the same level as me. He’s the Undertaker. He’s much better and cooler than me.”

Paquette also explained that we all have goldfish brains. We can forget some things to be able to remember The Undertaker in his character. However such appearances make it hard to forget the reality. She said that she could get on board with Taker introducing someone like Megadeath, Slayer or Metallica but she doesn’t want to believe that he knows Pitbull.

H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcribed quotes