Ric Flair Admits Nearly 10,000 Women Rode Space Mountain

ric flair

Space Mountain might be the oldest ride in the park, but it’s got the longest line. Based on what Ric Flair said while shooting his “30 for 30” ESPN special, it really was a very, very long line.

According to TMZ.com, Flair admitted that he’s slept with approximately 10,000 women during his legendary wrestling career.  Despite the confession, told People TV,  “I wish I hadn’t said that because of my grandkids.” He added, “I only love one now” – a reference to his fiancée, Wendy Barlow.

ESPN’s 30 For 30 special profiling the career of Ric Flair premieres on November 7th.

You can check out the official trailer below:


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