Ric Flair On How He Wants To Be Remembered, Speaks On ESPN Special Showing His Low Points

ric flair


WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair recently opened up about how he wants to be remembered in the wrestling business. During a recent interview with Alex Marvez of SportingNews.com, The Nature Boy said that he hopes the thing will define his legacy the most is his work ethic. Flair felt comfortable saying that he wrked harder than anybody in the wrestling business, and sometimes doing so “under the worst conditions.”

“I never wanted to ever leave the crowd thinking they haven’t gotten their money’s worth,” he said. “Fans still enjoy me and I enjoy them. I am thankful.”

The Nature Boy says he’s fine with his upcoming ESPN 30 For 30 special showing fans his previous personal issues, including domestic and financial problems. He accepts responsibility for his mistakes, and says he doesn’t run away from his past. Flair added that thanks to the WWE Network and YouTube, he’s “doing financially better now than when [he] was wrestling.”

You can read The Nature Boy’s full interview here.


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