Home Editorials and Features Rob Van Dam: Worth Keeping on the Roster?

Rob Van Dam: Worth Keeping on the Roster?


Last summer, Mr. Monday Night made his triumphant return to the WWE at Money in the Bank. Since returning, Rob Van Dam has unsuccessfully challenged for the World Heavyweight Championship against Alberto Del Rio and will fight Bad News Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship at Payback.

RVD has wrestled a part-time schedule since returning and has been involved in few meaningful feuds. He obviously isn’t getting any younger, and with a part-time schedule and diminishing skill in the ring, is Rob Van Dam really worth keeping around at this point in his career?

The case for RVD: Despite not being as versatile as he once was in the ring, RVD can still perform moves that many superstars could only dream of pulling off (the Van Terminator against Del Rio at Night of Champions is just one example).

It is refreshing to see a Van Terminator in the PG era.
It is refreshing to see a Van Terminator in the PG era.

His part-time schedule also means that he is not overexposed. He still gets a decent pop each time he performs, even if he is probably not as popular as in years past, and his limited schedule will ensure that fans do not grow tired of him quickly.

However, his biggest selling point is that he is putting younger guys over. Whereas some part-time superstars demand a large contract and complete creative control over their character, RVD is much like Chris Jericho in that he is willing to work a part-time schedule while largely putting over the younger talent.

Fans saw RVD put over Del Rio this past fall and will likely see him do the same against Bad News Barrett at Payback. His act is still fresh, and as long as he continues to put over the next generation, there is no reason to not have him appear occasionally.