ROH Champion Jay Lethal Issues A Challenge To WWE Champion Seth Rollins

Ring of Honor’s reigning World and Television champion Jay Lethal spoke to Sports Illustrated’s Extra Mustard blog to promote this weekend’s ROH shows from the old ECW Arena in Philaelphia on Friday night and from MCU Field in Brooklyn on Saturday night for Field of Honor.

Since ROH will be in Brooklyn for Field of Honor and WWE will also be in town for SummerSlam weekend, Lethal proposes an inter-promotional champion vs. champion match against WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins.

“I would love to do that,” said Lethal. “How cool would it be if there was a champion versus champion match? There is no way I would turn that down. Whether or not both companies could get this on the same platform is a shot in the dark, but we’d have a tremendous match. I’ve never got to wrestle Rollins before, either, even though he’s a former Ring of Honor world champion, so he’s never experienced the ‘Lethal Injection.’”

ROH will be going head-to-head with NXT on Saturday night, which hosts Takeover: Brooklyn from the Barclays Center. Lethal stated that ROH booked their show in Brooklyn before NXT, but it’s still an honor to have them as competition. He also pointed out that a good portion of the talent appearing at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn first cut their teeth inside an ROH ring.

“The proof is the fact that a couple NXT wrestlers are former Ring of Honor guys,” said Lethal. “Wouldn’t you just want to go straight to the source and watch the company that they’re pulling from? A lot of wrestling companies are trying to imitate what Ring of Honor does, so wouldn’t you rather see the best wrestling in the world for yourself instead of an imitation?”

There’s much more to the interview, including his time in TNA, dating AJ Lee and Hulk Hogan’s racist comments.

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