Home News ROH Star Cedric Alexander Says The New Day Faction Is Offensive

ROH Star Cedric Alexander Says The New Day Faction Is Offensive


Ring Of Honor performer Cedric Alexander recently spoke with the folks at the Jobbing Out podcast and had some interesting comments to make regarding The New Day faction in WWE.

“This opens up a whole different can of worms here, because everyone I know watching WWE is offended by The New Day,” said Alexander. “Extremely offended because of the whole racial thing. It’s like, `oh, we’re three black guys, we’ll sing, we’ll dance. You’ve got Kofi Kingston, who is a phenomenal athlete. Big E Langston is a gigantic, threatening man and Xavier Woods is extremely intelligent. So why make them sing and dance when they obviously can be more serious, I guess.”

Alexander continued, “When they first started this thing, it was like two or three weeks that they did it where Xavier would come out and be like a Malcolm X type of thing. He was preaching black power, without saying black power, which I think is fantastic because you don’t offend anyone. But when you’ve got three black guys singing and dancing, stereotypes get fed too much and I hate it.”

Check out the complete interview at GlennClarkRadio.com.