Roman Reigns’ Promo Was Kept Secret Prior To Raw

Roman Reigns

With Roman Reigns revealing the sad news that he is unfortunately once again battling leukaemia, the wrestling world has since come together in support for the WWE’s Big Dog.

With news so crushing and personal, it’s astounding there was no leak prior to Reigns’ promo as he kicked off Raw. His promo would stun the crowd into a respectful silence as he opened up on live TV to relinquish the WWE Universal Championship.

“None Of That Was A Put-On”

According to Wrestling Observer Live’s Bryan Alvarez, not many backstage personnel were made aware of the promo’s true purpose.

He said, “[…] a very small amount of people knew beforehand, probably between 6 and 8 of the top executives. So when the show opens and the announcers are all happy talking about Roman Reigns defending the title at Crown Jewel — none of that was a put-on.”

“None of them had any idea what was going on until he went out there and did his speech and he has since gone home and that’s the story,” Alvarez said, before concluding with, “I guess we’ll just have to find out how well he does with treatment — the second battle, it’s worrisome.”