Roman Reigns Schools Fans On Twitter Who Say He Sucks & Didn’t Earn His Spot

Roman Reigns shut down a “wrestler in training” who was talking trash about him on Twitter.

Over the weekend, a fan replied to a tweet from WWE saying “Roman can’t wrestle.” A Roman Reigns fan account defended him, which led to self proclaimed “Future pro wrestler, currently in training” Ian Porter chiming in, saying Roman sucks because ‘he’ll only use 4 actual wrestling moves’ in a 30 minute match.

Reigns caught wind of the exchange and delivered a harsh dose of reality to Porter. You can check out the full exchange below:

Another Twitter user told Reigns that his “sorry ass” was “handed” a spot in the main events because of his family’s legacy. In response to the claim he didn’t earn his spot in WWE, Reings wasn’t having it.

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