Home News Roman Reigns Talks About Reforming The Shield, Ric Flair (Video)

Roman Reigns Talks About Reforming The Shield, Ric Flair (Video)

Roman Reigns Talks About Reforming The Shield, Ric Flair (Video)

RAW Superstar Roman Reigns appeared on ESPN Sports Center on Monday to discuss the fallout of WWE SummerSlam, the possibility of reforming The Shield with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose and Ric Flair’s current health battle.

Reigns said he’s banged up from SummerSlam but the show goes on. He talked about performing in front of the rowdy New York crowd and thinks WWE delivered a great show for the fans.

When asked about the possibility of a potential Shield reunion, Reigns said right now he’s focused on the WWE Universal Championship. All 3 members of The Shield have gone on to become World Champions and that’s what everybody in WWE strives for. That said, he spoke fondly of the ‘magic’ the three Shield members had together and left the door open for them getting back together some time i the future.

“Hopefully in the near future maybe. Not only to prolong my career maybe, because it does take it out of you running into those meatballs [his SummerSlam opponents of Samoa Joe, Brock Lesnar, and Braun Strowman] for 30 minutes at a time, but there’s just some kind of magic when the three of us get together and we’re just moving on all cylinders. It always seems to be a great time for the crowd.”

He also commented on Ric Flair fighting for his life in the hospital and how much Flair’s friendship means to him.

“Well, for me I’m a generational superstar, my father, my uncle, multiple cousins,my brother, they were all within the WWE, they all wrestled,” said Reigns. “And that’s one thing you can kind of tell – even all the way up to the McMahons – that this is a family business and it runs deep. Even now, he has a daughter who’s been a great performer, great champion, and spokesperson for the women of WWE and WWE, in general.”

He continued, “To see something like this happen, I don’t know enough details to share, but all I know is I’m great friends with Ric. I’ve been on many tours and just hung out with him and spoke with him, he’s just such a genuine man. Such a good time, eccentric, such a charismatic person, but such a kind guy. If you’re friends with him, you’ll know it, he’ll love on ya and just all my prayers and thoughts are with him, Charlotte, and the rest of their family. I hope for a speedy recovery, and Ric, bring your butt back, we need you on tour. And that’s coming straight from the ‘Big Dog’ right here. We need ya back, man.”

You can check out the full segment here: