Rosa Mendes, who has not appeared on WWE programming since SummerSlam, posted several messages on Twitter Saturday and Sunday disparaging the ‘Rookie Divas’ of WWE, specifically A.J.
She wrote Saturday: “But what one thing I don’t miss is looking at rookies that call themselves divas when they can’t get a hold of some proactive to clear their awful skin up, and start dressing like actual Divas instead of shopping at consignment stores in the kid section. You want to be a Diva? Look like one AJ. You look like a cashier that works at my local grocery store. Why you are on the roster boggles my mind!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to get back in the ring and actually have a worthy opponent!”
She added Sunday: “Awwwww u guys are mad @ me. You love AJ because she looks ordinary just like you. Divas are not suppose to look ordinary.”
“This is what you call a Diva! Rookieeees???? Pleeeeeeeease. Hahaha.”
“If i’m making people upset, I don’t really care. I’m sick of seeing the Divas division ruined by these rookies. Sexy, smart, powerful!”
“Stay in FCW and stop shopping at Target chicas!”
“One rookie looks 12 with a crater face, one looks like she is 40 and the other one looks like she needs to go on Jenny Craig. You know who you are! Lol”
“All I have to say is. Have respect, look the part and pleeeeeeeeaaaase stay in FCW as long as you can.”
“One more thing, I have someone that can make you guys gear, because your gear looks like SH**t.”
Responding to a post from, Mendes reasoned her outburst with the following: “something happened, if you knew you would understand. Don’t stop loving me:) Rosa Mendes doesn’t go on a rant for no reason.”
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