Home News Rumored Match For RAW, Danielson, Big Show, Jake

Rumored Match For RAW, Danielson, Big Show, Jake


– A battle royal featuring 7 SmackDown! talent, 7 RAW talent and the Nexus guys is set for RAW tomorrow, though it is expected to be a dark match. We’ll keep you posted on that.

– Bryan Danielson cancelled his appearance for NYWC in New York last night. He cited a family conflict but said he would be at the August 28 show. Danielson has no bookings on a Monday night listed on his website. He also is not booked on Night of Champions night.

– An article on the Big Show is available at Torontosun.com.

– Satoshi Kojima defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi in the finals of New Japan’s G-1 Climax tournament, making him the first non-NJPW talent to win the tournament in its 20-year history.

– An interview with Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore is available at Courier-journal.com.

– An interview with Jake “The Snake” Roberts is available at Pojoslam.blogspot.com Jake talks modern wrestlers and how he is the only guy who admits to taking drugs while others have died without ever confessing to having a problem.