Home News Rumored Participants For Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long

Rumored Participants For Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long


On Monday morning, WWE’s Board of Directors announced that WrestleMania 28 will feature a “Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long” 12-man tag match – with the winning GM getting control of both brands.

Participants for both teams will be announced in the coming weeks, but here’s what we’re hearing for the two teams.

  • Team Laurinatis: Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, David Otunga, Christian, Mark Henry & Alberto Del Rio
  • Team Long: Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Ezekiel Jackson, Santino, Great Khali & One more participant.

The final participant of Team Long could be Evan Bourne or Rey Mysterio (if he’s medically cleared to return).

(Source: pwinsider.com)