Rusev and Lana were Michael Cole’s guests for this week’s interview. Here are some highlights:
– Cole asked them how their wedding planning is going. Rusev says it’s expensive, unlike Cole’s wedding, but he’ll do anything for his bride to be. Cole said he hasn’t received a ‘Save the date’ card yet and volunteered his address in case they need it. Lana said they don’t, because he’s not invited.
– Cole congratulated Lana on joining the cast of Total Divas cast and asked how the show has changed their lives. Lana said nothing has changed simply because cameras follow them. It’s an honor for Total Divas to have them, because Rusev is a hero and she’s the definition of a true woman. Lana predicts ratings will go way up when they’re on the show.
Cole asked if it concerns them to have cameras filming their personal lives. With a smile and a wink, Rusev replied, “I could care less. I have cameras in my house anyways. Filming some stuff, you know what I mean?”
– Regarding Rusev becoming #1 contender to Kalisto’s United States championship, Rusev says he’s been #1 contender for more than a year and winning the battle royal on RAW was simply a formality. Lana says Kalisto is a small man, almost like a little child. She’s happy for Kalisto overcoming the odds as champion, but says Rusev is going to eat his heart.
– Cole shared his observation that Lana has been around a lot more since the League of Nations broke up. Rusev said the whole League faction started over a card game they were playing backstage. Lana tried warning him that joining forces with the other guys was a bad idea – and she was right. Rusev says they backstabbed him. Lana knew from the start the League of Nations would be a failure and that’s why she waited in the wings for the group to implode.
– Back to Kalisto, Rusev says it’s simple: he’s going to eat Kalisto’s heart and take his title back. He’ll be seeing Kalisto soon and when he does, he will crush him.