Ryback Opens Up About Pro Wrestling Return Amid Stem Cell Therapy Journey

Pro wrestling can take a lot out of someone, and Ryback understands that all too well. He walked out of WWE a number of years ago, and he hasn’t looked back except to call out WWE for their misdeeds. Although Ryback hasn’t wrestled much since his WWE departure, there is a hope that he will lock up again some day.

Ryback Talks About In-Ring Return

Ryback’s last match took place in August 2018 when Northeast Wrestling presented an event as part of their Wrestling Under The Stars 7 Tour. The event took place at Muzzy Field in Bristol, Connecticut, USA. One of the featured matches of the evening saw Ryback emerge victorious over Dylan Bostic in a hard-fought battle. The Big Guy hasn’t wrestled since then. 

During a recent TikTok video, Ryback addressed his return to the ring. It seems that stem cell therapy has helped repair his back, but his shoulder still has issues. There is also a problem with the scar tissue that remains.

The one question I get all the time is ‘Ryback, when are you going back to WWE? When are you going back pro wrestling?’ The answer is that I don’t know. The reason I don’t know is in 2016, when I walked out on a multi-million dollar contract in WWE, I was told I needed a five-disc fusion and shoulder replacement at 34-years-old. See, I was able to get stem cell treatments, and they were able to regrow all five discs in my back, so that is not an issue. My right shoulder, which I have no cartridge due to negligent WWE doctors injecting cortizone into it multiple times a year and lying to me, that has been a bigger issue.

Ryback then explained that he has a massive amount of scar tissue that has built up. They are working daily to break that up, and if they can succeed, then he can make a return to the ring. Until that happens, he will keep working toward that goal.

What’s Next for Ryback

In the meantime, Ryback said that he is happy running his Feed Me More nutrition brand of supplements. He also runs daily live shows on his social media accounts, which he doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon.

We will have to see if Ryback ever makes a return to the ring. At this point, he seems to be working hard for that day to come, although he still has some more work to do. 

Posted February 19th, 2024 in WWE. Tagged: .

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