Home News Ryback Talks Working With John Cena & Paul Heyman, The Nexus, His Time In WWE

Ryback Talks Working With John Cena & Paul Heyman, The Nexus, His Time In WWE


WWE Superstar Ryback recently spoke with Jim Varsallone of The Miami Herald about a number of topics. Below are highlights from the interview.

On the Nexus’ debut in 2010: “We were pretty much told that if we don’t nail this thing, we’re probably going to be fired or definitely not going to be given the opportunity they were going to give us. So we were all on the same page that night…We all knew we had to work together that night, and we were all in position to do that, because if we were going to make this thing work, we had to work together. When you’re out there with seven other guys, working together, it kind of makes it a little bit easier. It wasn’t solely just on one of us. So that definitely helped, but to say nerves didn’t exist would be crazy. We definitely were all nervous before we went out there. That was the first night of the beginning of my WWE career, so to speak, as far as being in the big leagues. That night in Miami we were given a huge opportunity to sink or swim, and a group of us went out there, and we tore everything up.”

On working with John Cena: “Working with John has been a great experience. He’s been on top in WWE for a very long time, and he’s done extremely well for himself. He has set the bar very high. John’s been able to [be on top] for an extended period of time, which is a rarity in this business. So being in the ring with John was a great learning tool for me to see where I had to be, what areas I had to improve for me to go where I wanted to go with Ryback.”

On working with Paul Heyman: “Being with Paul Heyman, if you look back at the wrestling footage throughout the years, he’s been around for a very long time, and he’s been around a lot of the greats. So for Paul to want to align himself with me and be with me was a great compliment to me. It was a lot of fun. At that stage of my career and where I was at, I always liked being out there by myself to speak and say what I want to say and not have a mouthpiece, but it was a great learning experience for me, seeing how Paul approached promos and how he spoke to people and controlled the crowd, because he is truly very gifted in that aspect.”

On his time in WWE: “In anything in life, there’s going to be ups and downs, but my time in WWE thus far has been amazing. Each and everyday I get to show up to my job. I love it. I’m very thankful. Everyday is a different opportunity, a different challenge, and I love that.”

Check out the complete interview at MiamiHerald.com.