Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens Removed From WrestleMania Card

Owens and Sami Zayn SmackDown

This Tuesday on Smackdown, Daniel Bryan fired Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn. Last week, Shane McMahon had booked Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn to face each other at WrestleMania.

Now that they’ve been fired, the Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn match has been removed from WWE’s official WrestleMania lineup.

They’ve also both gone private on Twitter:

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn at WrestleMania 34

There are just 17 days and two episodes of Smackdown left until WrestleMania. Both Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon will need to recover from their storyline injuries quickly in order to book another WrestleMania match or segment involving this storyline.


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