Home News Samoa Joe Comments On Helping Roman Reigns After Hit & Run

Samoa Joe Comments On Helping Roman Reigns After Hit & Run

Samoa Joe Comments On Helping Roman Reigns After Hit & Run

Samoa Joe was rushing out to the parking area to confront Roman Reigns last night when a car narrowly avoided hitting Roman in a hit-and-run incident. It was the second straight narrow escape from disaster for Roman, who was almost crushed by falling steel beams on Smackdown last week.

When RAW returned back from commercial, Samoa Joe could be seen helping Roman and calling for a medic. WWE.com caught up with Joe and asked him why he helped Roman after the incident.

Samoa Joe On Why He Helped Roman Reigns

Joe as asked what was going through his head after seeing the car almost hit Roman.

“A lot of things. One of them, some of the fans out there were so quick to point a finger at me,” Joe said. “One of them is, I’m known to bend the rules, to take things to a leval that may be uncomfortable, but that is something different. It needs to be dealt with differently.”

“What are my thoughts?” Joe continued. “My thoughts are, I hope somebody finds who’s doing what they’re doing before I find them. My thoughts are don’t doubt me because who was the first guy out there pulling Roman out of the wreckage?”