Sean Waltman On NXT 2.0: ‘You Can’t Have 60+ Year Old People In Charge’
NXT’s attempt to attract a younger audience with the recent revamp seems to be failing so far. Sean Waltman believes it’s because the people in charge are much older. The former WWE star recently discussed the NXT revamp on his Pro Wrestling 4 Life podcast. He commented on the intention behind this rebranding.
Waltman discussed how the people in charge of the show geared towards younger audience are all 60+ year-olds. He suggested that maybe they should let young people make the decisions for the show:
“Who’s in charge of the creative direction of NXT? You can’t have 60+ year-old people in charge of the creative direction of a show that’s geared towards young people, maybe oversee it but you got to let young, fresh blood make those decisions.”
Sean Waltman Says The Decision Makers Don’t Know What Young People Want
Sean Waltman continued his explanation saying that the company needs to be self-aware. The 49-year-old discussed how people like him think that they know what younger people want. Though In reality, they don’t:
We got to be self aware enough to know that we don’t and I’m including me too as a 50-year-old man, we don’t f**king know what they (young people) want. We might think we do or we might think we know what’s best for them, but we don’t f**king know. We need to f**king listen to people that do.”
Reports suggest that the 76-year-old Vince McMahon and 58-year-old Bruce Prichard are the people making the main decisions for NXT. Though they are not involved in the day-to-day. Per the last update, a 56-year-old Shawn Michaels was in charge of the operations in the absence of Triple H.