Senior WWE Officials Meet With Top Movie Studios, 10 Unknown Undertaker Stories

– The “Bro Bible” website has an interesting new piece up that details ten stories “you’ve never heard about The Undertaker,” listing several unknown, or little-known facts about the legendary WWE performer. You can check that out at

– Many senior WWE officials, including Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, have been making the rounds and meeting with several of the top movie studios while in Los Angeles, California this week. As noted recently, HHH and Stephanie met with executives at Paramount Pictures on Tuesday. WWE reached an agreement with Paramount to promote Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new “Terminator” film all the way through its’ release in July, a deal that calls for use of imagery from the film in HHH’s entrance at WrestleMania 31 this Sunday.

(Partial Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)


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