Home News SEScoops Royal Rumble Bingo 2018

SEScoops Royal Rumble Bingo 2018

SEScoops Royal Rumble Bingo 2018

The Royal Rumble can be a long, drawn out affair.  So to keep things interesting, or just as a bit of fun, here is the SEScoops Royal Rumble Bingo!

Simply download the file here, and follow the instructions to play with friends and family along with to the 2018 Royal Rumble.

1: Only 1 Superstar In The Ring

It’s the classic Stone Cold Steve Austin – 2002 Royal Rumble moment.  It’s often seen near the beginning of a Royal Rumble, and of course, it’s always seen at the end.

2: Superstar Cheats Their Way Out Of Being Eliminated

Kofi Kingston, we’re looking at you! Although Kofi’s strategies are always more inventive than anything else, this category covers anyone that takes an alternative strategy to stay in the Rumble.

3: An Unexpected Alliance Is Formed

It may only be for a few seconds, but when you’ve got no other option, sometimes you have to team up with an enemy just to survive that little bit longer.  Sadly, one superstar found himself on the end of the shortest alliance in Rumble history as Stone Cold and Triple H combined forces for 3 seconds to eliminate The Hurricane.

4: A Superstar Refuses To Enter The Ring

Our good old friend James Ellsworth provides a perfect example of a superstar who may be a little cautious about entering the Rumble, but others may try a ‘tactical pause’ before getting in the ring.


5: A Superstar Is Eliminated Within 10 Seconds

There are plenty of ambitious superstars who can’t control their excitement and energy, resulting in an early exit from the Rumble.

6: The Royal Rumble Rules are Explained More Than 5 Times

For those who aren’t watching their first Royal Rumble, we don’t need to know the rules every ten minutes.  But to be fair, it’s only once a year and it has become a tradition!  For those who are new to the Royal Rumble, let me be the first to say:

Contestants are eliminated by leaving the ring over the top rope – with both feet touching the ground

7: A Superstar Makes Main Roster Debut

Check out our SEScoops feature on 3 Memorable Royal Rumble Debuts!

8: A Commentator Changes Their Pick For The Winner

Always looking to be the best on commentary, they’d say anything to show their superior/inside knowledge.

Photo Credit: WWE.com

9: Two Superstars Are Eliminated At The Same Time

Sometimes a feat of strength, other times it’s just an accident!  It’s always good to make sure it’s not the last two superstars of the match that get eliminated at the same time, am I right Batista & John Cena!?

10: Accidental Elimination

Wouldn’t want to be the superstar who accidentally gets eliminated at the end of the Rumble match, forcing the boss to come down, tearing his hamstrings in the process, and forcing a restart… Am I right, Batista & John Cena!?

11: A Superstar Leaves The Ring Under The Top Rope

While Chris Jericho captured the longest time spent in Royal Rumble Matches, 2017 saw him outside the ring for quite some time – using his heel persona to build heat and survive that little bit longer, making history in the process.


12: Only One Foot Touches The Ground

This moment alone is highlighted as Royal Rumble greatness.  It’s a classic that gets mentioned every year.

13: A Superstar Returns After Being Eliminated

I have no idea how Stone Cold got away with this one, but it helped start the long running feud with Vince McMahon who was on commentary that night.

14: Tag Team Partners Face Each Other

There can only be one winner, which means any tag teams that enter the Royal Rumble, aren’t necessarily looking out for each other.

15: A WWE Legend Returns

Unless it’s Batista, returning legends are unlikely to fair well at the Royal Rumble.  Check out Diesel’s return in 2011 below, but also look out for a video of Godfather’s return which was embarrassingly short!

16: Shawn Michaels Is Mentioned By The Commentary Team

He’s a legend for a reason, and WWE commentators won’t let you forget it on the night of the Royal Rumble!