Seth Rollins: Brock Lesnar Is Notoriously Selfish, Only Cares About Money

Seth Rollins Brock Lesnar

Seth Rollins says Brock Lesnar is notoriously selfish and only cares about money.

Rollins challenges Lesnar for the Universal Championship in less than four weeks at WrestleMania. During a visit to the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh this past Monday, he spoke with reporter Justin LaBar about his love for professional wrestling, which he believes is a sharp contrast to Brock Lesnar’s motives.

“I just have a lot of passion for it and a lot of love for the industry, and I feel like when people come in and disrespect our industry, it’s like a little bit of a slap in the face to me,” he said.

Rollins said people need to understand that being a top WWE Superstar is not something you can just ‘walk in and you’re great at it.’ It takes years of sacrifice and hard work to reach the top of sports entertainment. For all of his passion and commitment to WWE, Rollins says Lesnar is “notoriously in it for himself and in it for the money.”

“That’s never been my gig, I’ve never been in it for myself or the cash,” he said. “I’ve been in it for the love of the industry, and to inspire people to feel like I did when I was a young kid. It’ll be a very interesting clash of styles, in more ways than one.”

You can check out a clip of Seth Rollins’ comments about Brock Lesnar here:


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