Home News Seth Rollins Comments On The Shield Possibly Reuniting One Day

Seth Rollins Comments On The Shield Possibly Reuniting One Day


WWE World Heavyweight champion Seth Rollins recently spoke with Chad Dukes of CBS Radio Washington DC 106.7 The Fan and ChadDukesWrestling.com. Here are some highlights of what Rollins said about:

How Cross Fit Has Helped Him Stay In Shape:

“I mean it’s the one thing that I do really that nobody else does and I’m doing a lot of things in the ring that nobody else does, so for me I feel like those two things kind of go hand in hand. I couldn’t do traditional bodybuilding and keep this schedule, it just wouldn’t work for me, I don’t think it works really for our generation of guys. More and more you’re seeing guys transfer over into functional fitness as opposed to training for aesthetics. The side effect of training functionally with high intensity, which is what CrossFit is that you also happen to look pretty decent as well. For me it serves two purposes, I get the job done in the ring, I look the part, and I stay super healthy all the time.”

If He Sees The Shield Reuniting One Day:

“We get to fire up the band in other incarnations. We always laugh about it now when we do these tag matches and six mans and I’m on the other side of the ring and they’re like partnered up with Randy Orton or something like that. It’s just funny because you can put the components in all the different places but it’s still comes out gold every time. The two of those guys, myself, I feel like paved the way for a different kind of work ethic than what we had been seeing in WWE over the past five years, maybe before that. That’s something I know the three of us are real proud of and every time we go out there we’re going out there to have the best match and steal the show weather working against each other, with each other it doesn’t matter, and that’s just kind of the attitude we came in with and we stuck to our guns this entire time and it’s cool to be able to share that with two other guys. The time we had with The Shield, who knows if it will ever come back around but if it doesn’t no one will ever be able to take that run away from us either.”