Seth Rollins On Why He Uses Triple H’s Finisher, Wants Match With Samoa Joe

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Seth Rollins did a live Q&A on Facebook on Thursday night and talked about using the move Triple H made famous for his finisher. Rollins said that he started using The Pedigree as a tribute to Triple H, but now his character uses it to spite The Game. Rollins (in-character) also took the opportunity to take a few personal shots at the 14-time World Champion.

“He thinks he can stick it to me by anointing Kevin Owens as the new guy? There is no replacement for Seth Rollins,” he said. “So, every single pedigree from now until I drop Triple H on his big, stupid nose, that’s gonna mean something, that’s gonna mean something. That’s me sticking it to the man, sticking it to Triple H. So no, no new finisher, not until I’m done with Triple H.”

On his plans for the future, Rollins says he’d like to face Samoa Joe at some point. Rollins says that he and Joe have grown as performers since their matches prior to joining WWE, and thinks they would “tear the house down” now.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the ring with Joe,” he said. “I think we’ve both grown a lot as performers, and I think we’d actually tear the house down. Hopefully once Joe’s done with his stuff in NXT he can come make his way up here and we can have a good fight.”

You can watch Rollins’ entire Facebook Q&A session here.


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