Home News Update On Shane McMahon’s Departure From WWE

Update On Shane McMahon’s Departure From WWE

Update On Shane McMahon’s Departure From WWE

Shane McMahon’s recent departure from WWE stems from his actions backstage during the Royal Rumble on Saturday. According to comments made by Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio, Shane acted unprofessionally in response to Vince McMahon vetoing some of his ideas for the Rumble.

“They just kept changing the match over and over again. He wanted to do it one way and then Vince would veto it, Brock Lesnar would push for other things. Brock got a lot of what he wanted and Shane didn’t get a lot of what he wanted. And then Shane complained to a lot of people and I guess talked down to people.”

Meltzer added in the latest Observer newsletter that Shane McMahon made a scene backstage at the Rumble. One source said Shane’s behavior was worse than what we’ve been hearing so far.

“Every single story you’ve already heard, multiplied many times over,” said the source. “He was unprofessional the likes of which left Vince no options but to fire him.”

Shane McMahon wanted to build the ending of the Rumble around himself and was unprofessional after his ideas were struck down by Vince McMahon.

Shane McMahon Plans Scrapped

Shane McMahon

Shane was scheduled to be part of the Elimination Chamber match and was slated to wrestle with Seth Rollins at WrestleMania. That program was to start in the Elimination Chamber.

Shane pushed for Rollins to be included in the Rumble match to start the angle then, however. Vince vetoed this so that Rollins could sell the chair shots he received from Roman Reigns earlier in the show.

While Shane was working as a producer for the Royal Rumble match, and did so previously in 2020 and 2021, he has no official backstage role in the company. He is under a talent contract, however. There has been no talk of him being Vince’s heir apparent since returning.

It was also noted that Shane may not even hold any stock in the company anymore.

“I’m guessing that his stock, that he sold it for his other ventures a long time ago,” Meltzer said. “But there is no executive position or anything like that.”