Shaul Guerrero Works FCW This Week, Maria Kanellis Update

– WWE developmental diva Shaul Marie Guerrero, daughter of Eddie and Vickie Guerrero, sang the National Anthem and did ring announcing at last night’s FCW live event in Florida.

Also on that show, new Nexus member and FCW Champion Mason Ryan defeated former NXT Rookie Percy Watson.

– During an interview with Final Bell Radio earlier this week, former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis had the following to say about the upcoming DivaMania tour, also featuring former WWE Divas Jillian Hall and Tiffany:

“We’re going to visit different bars, clubs, and do signings and hang with fans. It’s going to be the three of us back on the road. It’s going to be more of a relaxed atmosphere, not so structured. We’re just going to go out there and have a good time. We’ll go to a club and host a party and go up with the DJ and play songs. Maybe we can get Jillian to get up there and sing, and Tiffany loves to dance. If you’ve ever seen a club that is hosted by one of the Kardashian sisters or Rihanna, that’s what it’s going to be.”

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